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Многих уже не удивляют сайты бесплатных секс знакомств для взрослых и знакомств для серьезных отношений, может быть даже знакомств для брака в глобальной сети. Ведь молодые девушки и парни, женщины и мужчины устлавшие от однообразия в постели или ищущие новых ощущений, просто не смогут устоять перед возможностью изменить что-то в своей жизни. Главное, чтобы ваши знакомства для секса или брака проводились на секс сайтах с хорошей репутацией таких как worldlovers.ru. Ведь там вам удастся найти партнеров, которые сделают ваш секс незабываемым. Теперь каждый может найти человека, готового на самые безумные поступки ради получения удовольствия онлайн или при встрече. Поверьте, вам обязательно удастся найти тех на сайте бесплатных знакомств, кто согласиться на то, о чем раньше вы могли только мечтать или что еще недавно только снилось.

Stranger, 49 - 14 июня 2012 23:23

[B]It was her last night in Eden.[/B] Finally she decided to go to the bar, His bar. It was late at night and there was nobody there. She ordered a cocktail, pieces of ice were floating in the crystal liquid, with light tinkling touching the glass of the goblet. Having listened to this tinkling, she recognized their melody. And again she wanted to feel his hugs, and forget about everything, dancing. She paid and went out of the bar, for some time she stayed on the balcony, the balcony she saw him for the first time. The fine crescent moon reminded her his first present: a silver moon with their names.
She didn’t put it off since that day. She came back to her room, but she wasn’t going to bed, to lie on the fresh starched sheets and to doze off listening to the rhythmical noise of the surf. She changed her dress and decided to walk along the seashore for the last time. She was lost in her thoughts when she was slowly going downstairs and didn’t notice him, till she run into him. There was an awkward silence for some moments. He broke the oppressive pause first and asked where she was going.
Because of the surprise of this meeting she stopped breathing for a moment, but in a moment she made herself answering him and told that she was going to enjoy the scenery of the night sea for the last time, to breath the solty sea air. He suggested to walk together as his working day was finished and he was going home. She didn’t thought about the consequences, she didn’t think about anything, she agreed without a word, like she was under the hypnoses. Slowly they passed Zona Hotelera. She noticed nothing around her, simply enjoying his presence, his quiet voice. And only when she saw the lights of the town not far away from them, she understood that they were far away from the hotel she lived. Softly she told him that it was high time to come back. He wanted to follow her till the hotel, and they went back practically stepping the signs of their feet. Most of the steps were washed away by water. Waves tried to catch up with them. The light net of the sea spray covered them and coming wave made them aback, but then she went forward to the edge of the sand. She turned round and noticed the he glowered at her, sitting on the sand. His black, sparkling at the light of the moon, eyes hypnotized her. She walked a bit along the beach, enjoying the night freshness of sea, quiet blue color of the stared sky, silver twinkling of the moon. Then she came to him and sat in front of him to see his face. They kept silence for some moments, but this time she broke the pause by some banal phrase. He followed her game and they exchanged meaningless phrases for some time, till he asked the most important – as it seemed to her – question: “Do you meet with somebody?” – “What are you talking about?” – “Don’t play, do you have a boyfriend?” She kept silent, closing her eyes. “Come what may,” – she thought. The only person she thought about at that moment was HE. … Warm southern sea, stared sky… It seemed that simply stretch the hand and you could touch any star. Light sea breeze blew, she was lying on the sand, a silver stripe run to her feet on the water…She closed her eyes, …Exotic smells of tropic fruits, his exiting presence, hot breath on her cheek. Spicy fragrant mix of the expansive cigars, tequila and something of his, man’s…
She didn’t think about the consequences, that night she lived every minute, every second of their intimacy, she enjoyed every moment of his touch, she lived by his affectionate and passionate and warm hugs, hot, burning kisses, by his tender touch to every cell of her flickering body, by his exciting words running from his sweet lips.
She loved, and she didn’t want to think about any thing, except this feelings bringing her to the extasy…
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